SAFE SURGE offers many services to Consultants, Government Water Bodies and Installation Contractors such as:



SAFE SURGE gets involved with consultants from the very beginning. We meet with consultants and government water bodies to give our opinion and input for a solution on different water networks and scenarios. We get involved with initial feasibility studies to the very detailed design for many applications such as Desalination, Potable Water, Waste Water, Petrochemical, LNG and Mining. SAFE SURGE can provide CAD Drawings for detailed design drawings and P&ID’s.



SAFE SURGE offers hydraulic model verification for different software packages such as HYTRAN, KYPipe/SURGE, Bentley HAMMER and Salto CEBELMAIL. Our Hydraulic Engineers liaise closely with design consultants to ensure surge vessels parameters are entered correctly in the software packages. On many projects we have been able to provide cost effective solutions by optimising surge vessel volumes. Please contact us for any questions or queries you may have.



SAFE SURGE carries out all the necessary work to provide a complete solution fully complying with Australian Standards. We specialize in the supply and manufacture of Bladder Surge Vessels and Pressure Vessels (without bladders). All pressure vessels supplied into Australia and New Zealand are completely designed and manufactured to AS1210. We are able to manufacture to almost every Pressure Vessel Standard including AS1210, ASME IX and CODAP. All vessels supplied into Australia are design verified to AS1210 as per AS3920 by independent 3rd party verifiers followed by Design Registration with Worksafe/Workcover in the corresponding state of installation



SAFE SURGE offers commissioning support for all bladder surge vessels supplied. Commissioning is one of the most important stages in a project. If the commissioning is done correctly, you can be assured that the surge vessel will function as modelled in the hydraulic analysis. This is why we offer the customer the ease of mind and offer all assistance required in commissioning the vessels. We attend all locations no matter how far or how remote the location is.